Copper Peak receives 10 million dollars for remodeling project

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IRONWOOD, Mich. (WLUC) – Copper Peak will receive a 10 million dollar grant to help with their remodeling project. This project has been a work in progress for almost five years.

They plan to share some of the money with the Pine Mountain Facility to work on building their ski jumps back up into world competition.

They also want to create artificial surface at Copper Peak to allow people to jump in the summer without snow.

Copper Peak is excited to have this money coming in, and says the community helped them receive it.

“For the community, it’s fabulous,” said Organizing Committee Chair, Bob Jacquart.

“I want to thank the community, in fact this Western end of the U.P. has been hit hard a little bit with the prison closing and everything like that and our community really banded together, and I’m very proud the fact that this town and area is energized, and I think that’s part of the reason why we got the money so I’d really like to thank the community for being behind us and in this as well.”

They still have to raise an additional five to six million dollars on top of the 10 million dollar investment. They currently are working to gain those funds.

Check out TV6’s website here.