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Nearly two weeks after hosting the first ever Red Bull 400 Copper Peak on May 12, we reminisce on the success of the event and look toward the future. With 450 participants (and another 700 on a waitlist after the event sold out in two days), 100+ volunteers, 5,000 spectators, 1.5 million views (and counting) on the recap video and tremendous community and worldwide support, we close out the month with a surge of positive momentum toward our goal of becoming the Midwest’s premiere international sports and recreation destination.

This coming Saturday, May 26, 2018, we will be reopening the Copper Peak Scenic Adventure Ride for the season. In addition to being a fun, awe-inspiring tourist attraction, revenue from the Scenic Adventure Ride provides a portion of the funds needed to continue our Future of Copper Peak project.

Efforts are underway to raise the $14-17 million needed to implement the project, which promises to bring world-class ski flying events back to Copper Peak, revitalizing the western Upper Peninsula and northern Wisconsin region in the process. The success of the Red Bull 400 Copper Peak event exponentially increased the visibility of this important project and is providing a welcome boost to our fundraising efforts. The Copper Peak Scenic Adventure Ride is open every day from 10:00am – 4:30pm Central, beginning May 26. Admission is $20 for adults and $8 for children.